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November 2022

Our earthly circumstances can change in a moment. People can be unreliable. Jobs end. Our bodies give out. Creating a reliable 5-year plan is a myth – “Why, you don’t even know what will happen tomorrow!” (James 4:14). Truth.

As volunteers in MALTA’s Tuesday Breakfast Ministry, Wednesday Public Hours and Friday Night Street Ministry can all share, we see just how fragile we all really are and how precariously we all live in terms of health, wealth, employment, housing, and even earthly relationships. The traumas of life compound with the trauma of experiencing homelessness. And yet there is such an atmosphere of Thanksgiving amongst those whom we minister to...Thankfulness of being acknowledged. Thankfulness for a safe place for someone to tell their story, to unload. Thankfulness for being heard.  Thankfulness for what is being given.  Thankfulness for prayer and for SO many, Thankfulness for the ONLY thing we can count on - our Salvation in Christ Jesus.

I urge us all in this season of Thanksgiving, to contemplate our Savior and our great Salvation anew. As we give thanks to Our Father for His Plan and His Holy Spirit, for all we have been given, may we be thankful and generous toward others in every way.

Yours in Jesus,


"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

1 Thessalonians 5:18


SAMARITAN SWIM - Introducing a new and improved way to register for, participate in or donate to our single biggest fundraiser: The 23rd Annual SAMARITAN SWIM!!!

EVERYONE is invited to take the plunge in more ways than you think! Please click here to see how.

See below to understand how vital raising support through the Samaritan Swim is to keep MALTA running all year round:

  • On November 15 the New London Homeless Hospitality Center (NLHHC) will open its Warming Center in a building that used to house their administrative offices and outreach services. This building is on  the grounds of the NLHHC, itself, and will provide single night stays on a first come, first serve basis for those who are not guests of the shelter but may or may not be on the waiting list for a place in the shelter.  This will DOUBLE the number of folks we see each week!!!

  • There are SO MANY folks in New London County who are living in their car or going from friend to friend. Many have had their landlords put them on a month-to-month lease. Then after a few months these folks receive a “notice to quit” - the first step in the eviction process – with the intent to refurbish the apartments and in many cases raise the rent by 100-125%!! We get calls on from folks like this every week who need clothes, food, gas, and work clothes.

Please read more on our blog to see why we need this and more, especially through cash donations as we supply people with gas, steel toe work boots, uniforms, license renewals and other necessities for being employed. THE ONLY WAY most people qualify for housing is to be employed. Please give and encourage giving so that people may qualify for and be accepted into housing programs

See our blog for more updates on how God is blessing MALTA and the people we serve!

For more updates, changing often, look around this website in the Latest News and Events sections for photos and more regarding God at work through our involvement with the community and: Covenant Shelter, New London Homeless Hospitality Center (shelter) and Warming Center, Noank Youth Shelter, St. Vincent DePaul Place, Fellowship House, Safe Futures and more.

MALTA Ministries

Executive Board

Mary Young, President

Randy Wood, Vice President

Natalie Thomas, Treasurer

Jennifer Fasano, Secretary



Tori Bulted, Executive Director

Robin Depot, Food Coordinator

Beth Botelho, Admin. Assistant


Phone: (860) 373-3975


       Malta, Inc.

       20 Grove Ave

       Groton, CT 06340

Registered Charity: 06-1554478

Support Us!

Click the Donate button below to support us financially.

Mail donations by check or donations of much needed gift cards (for Walmart, Shell Gas, or Ocean State Job Lot) to MALTA, 20 Grove Ave, Groton, CT 06340


Drop off clean donations at MALTA, 

             20 Grove Ave, Groton, CT

and place in the donation bin at the bottom of the ramp on the Starr Hill Rd side of the building.

Thank you for your support!

Thank you to our Sponsors!

© 2020 Malta Outreach

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