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July 2024

Happy July Everyone!

Independence Day is coming quickly. As I think about independence, I think about what it really means... According to

Independence is the state of being free of the control of some other person, country or entity. Revolutions are all about obtaining independence, most famously perhaps the Revolutionary War in America, which led to America's freedom from Britain.” 

 “Independence comes from a nice medieval French word, depenre, meaning "to hang from," or "to hang down." The in at the beginning is Latin for "not," so the word originally meant "not hanging from’”

 ( (n.d.). Independence. In Dictionary. Retrieved July 01, 2024, from


I have been thinking about how Jesus is often portrayed as just a nice guy who came and died and rose to Heaven. He is often portrayed as weak. 

He is so much more than that! He is strong and fierce and kind and loving and protective!  He came and created the greatest revolution of all time!  

He fought a war that we could never have won! He made the way for us while we were “hanging from” our sin nature and unable to have a relationship with our Father.

Jesus was willing to start a revolution of Love from the Father, He fought and won us our freedom. 

What does that look like? 

Are we free to do what we want? 

No! We are free from the control of sin and death! 

We are free to choose! We can choose to enter into relationship and live as a branch connected and dependent on the living vine or we can choose to remain as we were. What a travesty to have such a high price paid and to disregard it! 

The good news is The Revolutionary war on sin and death was fought and won for us! 

We can now enter into true freedom which comes only from knowing and being known by Him. 

What a grand love story! I challenge you all to read the song of songs this month and see Christ and the church.(Also make it personal-Christ and you!) See the revolutionary war on sin as you read the gospels! He comes in and saves us from death! Oh what a great love this is! He LOVES US! 



Independence is the state of being free of the control of some other person, country or entity. Revolutions are all about obtaining independence, most famously perhaps the Revolutionary War in America, which led to America's freedom from Britain.” 

 “Independence comes from a nice medieval French word, depenre, meaning "to hang from," or "to hang down." The in at the beginning is Latin for "not," so the word originally meant "not hanging from’”

 ( (n.d.). Independence. In Dictionary. Retrieved July 01, 2024, from


  • We will continue to stop at Stop & Shop before going to the shelter weekly. We are currently serving 3-4 households there.

  • We will be offering Financial Peace University for our volunteers and those we serve. We are asking Volunteers to make a donation to help us cover costs and sponsor those who cannot afford to take the classes. More to come!

  • Please see the attached flyer and join us with your family and friends to play a fun game of mini golf and support Malta by doing so!

  • We have a growing need in the Pawcatuck/Westerly area and have had a door open there for ministry nights. Anyone who would be interested in serving on a Pawcatuck outreach team on Friday nights please reach out to me!


  • Non-perishable and frozen foods for our food pantry

  • razors/ travel size shaving cream

  • Brushes

  • bug spray

  • sunscreen

  • Deodorant

  • Backpacks

  • Dish detergent

  • Laundry detergent

  • Paper Towels

  • Cleaning supplies 

  • ongoing financial support

For more updates, changing weekly, look around this website in the Latest News sections for photos and more regarding God at work through our involvement with the community and: Covenant Shelter, New London Homeless Hospitality Center (shelter) and Warming Center, Noank Youth Shelter, St. Vincent DePaul Place, Fellowship House, Safe Futures and more.

MALTA Ministries

Executive Board

Mary Young, President

Randy Wood, Vice President

Natalie Thomas, Treasurer

Jennifer Fasano, Secretary



Tori Bulted, Executive Director

Robin Depot, Food Coordinator

Beth Botelho, Admin. Assistant


Phone: (860) 373-3975


       Malta, Inc.

       20 Grove Ave

       Groton, CT 06340

Registered Charity: 06-1554478

Support Us!

Click the Donate button below to support us financially.

Mail donations by check or donations of much needed gift cards (for Walmart, Shell Gas, or Ocean State Job Lot) to MALTA, 20 Grove Ave, Groton, CT 06340


Drop off clean donations at MALTA, 

             20 Grove Ave, Groton, CT

and place in the donation bin at the bottom of the ramp on the Starr Hill Rd side of the building.

Thank you for your support!

Thank you to our Sponsors!

© 2020 Malta Outreach

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