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March 2023

You’ve probably heard the expression, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.”  This year when I heard it, the LORD brought to mind that Jesus is referred to as both a lion and a lamb in scripture.  Yes, Jesus is both the Lion of Judah (Genesis 49:8-12), as well as the “Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,” (John 1:29), fulfilling prophecies as both a descendant of Judah who went to the cross “like a lamb to the slaughter…,” (Isaiah 53:7) on our behalf, and who reigns forever! How awesome to think that this Lamb of God is also the Lion of Judah in my life daily as my Salvation and my Victory. Hallelujah! Let’s acknowledge Jesus for who He is today and share this truth to encourage and bring others to Him.

Because of Jesus,


“Then one of the elders said to me, ‘Do not weep! See the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed.  He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals’.”

Revelation 5:5


Thank you’s to ….


      - Mystic Union Baptist Church who hosted MALTA for a Missions feature at their Sunday 2/12 service, and to their Woman’s Group for a generous $200 donation.

      - Groton Heights Baptist Church for collecting a couple hundred dollars worth of brand new undies and jeans for us in February just through word of mouth and also for renewed monthly support of MALTA.

      - Groton Bible Chapel for hosting a church-wide collection for MALTA yielding brand new jeans, sweats, undies and coats, as well as some gently used items (about 12 garbage bags worth of stuff) as well as $100 cash.

      - Harvest Christian Fellowship for continued monthly support of MALTA ministry


     -  MALTA continues hosting a monthly first Wednesday roundtable. In three months, interest has grown from 6 agencies represented to 15 agencies, organizations, and municipalities of colleagues.  The goal of meeting is to create a larger, tighter network for folks to get the help needed to survive and succeed!  Each month I invite someone to speak from within the network or who would benefit from being part of things.  Last month’s guest was Jamie Parker, Director of the eastern division of CAN (the Connecticut Access Network/211).  March’s featured guest is Jamarrah Thomas of Alliance for Living.  April’s speaker will be Kaiah White from SCAAD.

The following is a list of some of the agencies currently represented at our roundtables:

Alliance For Living           Fellowship House

Ledge Light Health District              Reliance Health

New London Homeless Hospitality Center       TVCCA

Groton Human Services Town of Groton Police Department

Stonington Human Services              Connecticut Access Network

The WARM Center Always Home

SCAAD  (Southeastern Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependency)

Groton Human Services               Enders Island Addiction Recovery

Eastern Connecticut Transportation Consortium       



   -  Recently I assisted in submitting an employee-recommended grant for MALTA under a program we are now officially calling our “Nutrition for Neighbors Initiative.” If your employer offers an employee-recommended grant program or award, please call me at (860) 373 - 3975 or email for assistance.


Malta seeks to be a bridge where there are gaps in services offered to people facing or experiencing homelessness in New London County. 


*****To this end MALTA has created the following programs, not yet funded for 2023.  We need funding to continue helping people on a regular basis:


Wear to Work 

     -  uniform needs, tops, bottoms, coveralls, overalls, aprons, outerwear, hats, gloves, etc

    -  clothing specifically required for employment

    -   footwear: appropriate or required footwear specific to employment


Total needed $9000



Basic Vehicle Safety for Individuals Living in Vehicles or in Emergency Shelter Who Need Vehicles and are Currently Unemployed due to Circumstance or Disability


    -   Vehicle outline maintenance (oil change, tune-up, filter change, tire rotation)       

    -   Tire replacement

    -   Battery Replacement

    -   Emergency Repairs of brakes, muffler, starter, spark plugs, lights

Total needed $12,000



Urgent/Emergency Communication & Identification Needs                                  


    -  Emergency phone replacement

    -  Basic Internet Start-up

    -  P. O. Box

    -  I.D. Replacement

    -  Eyeglasses (new or replacement)

    -  Hearing Aids (new or replacement)

    -   Certification Fees           


Total needed $10,000



Safety & Emergency Transportation Needs

There are times when an emergency-freeze protocol is issued or other severe weather is impending, but for various legitimate reasons a person cannot enter emergency shelter.


Or there are times that a person desires to go into shelter at a residential detox facility or domestic violence shelter and it is after hours at those facilities, but the individual needs a safe environment in which to stay overnight until the facility opens the following morning.


Then there are those times when a person needs transportation to the courthouse on a date they have been summoned but there is no public transportation available at all in that area or one that would enable the person to get to the venue at the court appointed time.

    -   Hotel Stay

    -   Uber Card                                                                                               


Total needed $5000



Clothing for People of Unusual Sizes OR for People Coming Out of Incarceration into Emergency Shelter


Clothing for individuals who are sizes 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x do not come in for donation necessitating us to order clothing so that the person can have even minimal seasonal clothing.


People coming from incarceration often leave in issued gray sweats and slipper-type shoes.

Area shelters look to MALTA for clothing for individuals coming out of incarceration for whom we do not have any clothing in their sizes in stock. 


Total Needed $2500


Please pray, seek, and help us get funded to meet the needs before us!

For more updates, changing often, look around this website in the Latest News section for photos and more regarding God at work through our involvement with the community and: Covenant Shelter, New London Homeless Hospitality Center (shelter) and Warming Center, Noank Youth Shelter, St. Vincent DePaul Place, Fellowship House, Safe Futures and more. For a more comprehensive list of our community partners and supporting churches see our About page.

MALTA Ministries

Executive Board

Mary Young, President

Randy Wood, Vice President

Natalie Thomas, Treasurer

Jennifer Fasano, Secretary



Tori Bulted, Executive Director

Robin Depot, Food Coordinator

Beth Botelho, Admin. Assistant


Phone: (860) 373-3975


       Malta, Inc.

       20 Grove Ave

       Groton, CT 06340

Registered Charity: 06-1554478

Support Us!

Click the Donate button below to support us financially.

Mail donations by check or donations of much needed gift cards (for Walmart, Shell Gas, or Ocean State Job Lot) to MALTA, 20 Grove Ave, Groton, CT 06340


Drop off clean donations at MALTA, 

             20 Grove Ave, Groton, CT

and place in the donation bin at the bottom of the ramp on the Starr Hill Rd side of the building.

Thank you for your support!

Thank you to our Sponsors!

© 2020 Malta Outreach

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