Recently I went to Target to purchase a phone for an individual we met through our Pawcatuck outreach. I usually purchase any phones for the ministry at Walmart exclusively, but circumstance led me to Target for something else and it occurred to me to try things there that day, at that particular time.
And there I met James.
After some vague conversation about why and for whom I needed this phone, James responded that “that would’ve been helpful when I was living at the shelter.” Wow. Yes, it was the NLHHC. Yes, he remembered Malta with enthusiasm and emotion! James is now the AT&T trained rep at Target. When I asked him if I could take his photo and share a little bit of his testimony regarding Malta he happily said yes. Here is a photo of James and something he wrote for us to share:
“I was at a low point in my life and something as small as new socks and shoes, and the kind faces of those giving them meant so much to me at the time, and even now. “
- James F.
Thank you, Lord. Thank you James, And thank you MALTA Volunteers - you really do make an impact in people's lives through your faithful service.